Fiddle Leaf Fig Care
/Fiddle leaf fig trees are known to be troublesome. We are doing our best with our shop fiddle and currently our best is working.
Check out that healthy new growth up top. Signs this tree is healthy!
I'm chatting up Succulent Sara who used to run a green house full of all types of plants. I take all my plant cues from her!
How to Care for your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree may just be the most internet famous tree. You're pretty much not a design blog if you don't have at least one image of a fiddle leaf on your blog. SO, consider this the official start to our blog. Thank God, we are finally legit. Here for you now is everything I know about Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees up to this point in my life. AND there is a video of trimming my tree at the bottom of this post for you to view.
I bought this tree about two and a half years ago when I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Harriet. I was freaking excited. I'd heard they are finicky about light and that they hate being moved around, so I was also stinking nervous. I figured since I was about to step up to keeping another human alive, I was definitely up for the challenge of a tree. Meh.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Light Requirements
And my fiddle leaf fig lived happily at my home, albeit getting some burn marks on its leaves. (No direct light!) When my daughter got old enough to be super interested in the rocks I'd put in the top of the pot, my tree moved to Retro Den. You'll note our super stylish shop photos featuring said tree started at the same time. The light at the front of our shop is bright and diffused, not direct. Fiddle has doubled in size in the past two years!
Here is my fiddle leaf fig tree in its early days. This is an east-facing window with too much sun for my little tree. It got permanent burn marks on some of its leaves while sitting near this window. Wah wah.
Watering Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
I err on the side of watering less often. As with all my plants, I try to stay aware of them, to often appreciate their presence and note their countenance. Plants will show a slight lilt when thirsty. I hear it's better not to wait for this, but let's be honest, it's still something I keep in mind when monitoring my house plants. I also stick my hands in the dirt and when it feels dry in the top two to three inches, it's time to water. I go ahead and water hard, until the water runs to the bottom of the pot. Then that is enough. Like a hard, rejuvenating rain.
See those burn one is perfect, little tree. No one is perfect.
Placement Considerations and Air Quality for the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
My tree seemed a bit sad about eight months ago. The leaves seemed disappointed, wilty. I immediately googled the best lifestyle for a fiddle leaf fig tree and went through all the options for optimum care. My tree was sitting under an vent, and these trees like moist environments, so I moved it away from this breezy, drying situation. And it seemed to perk up. I also added some other care tactics: dusting its leaves to allow it to best soak up the sun. And spritzing the leaves to provide the glistening humidity it loves. If you enjoy providing daily care for your plants, this is something you can do daily–spritzing.
Here is our fiddle leaf fig tree getting ready to be beheaded. Terrifying and exciting!
We did an Instagram Live of our fiddle leaf fig tree trimming procedure. VERY enthralling footage, let me tell you. You can watch it below!
Continuing Care for Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree
I have a secret weapon when it comes to any and all plant care. Her name is Succulent Sara. She used to run a nursery of all plant varieties before she narrowed down to just succulents. So I've been quizzing her about my plants. When Dr. Succulent Sara checked my fiddle, she said it needed a stake to help it stand straight, so I bought a bamboo stake and used twine to secure it in an upright position.
I asked Sara about the brown marks on the bottom leaves, and she said those were burn marks from when it lived at my home and that they would not go away. The leaves will eventually fall off though. And until then, I will always remember what I did to my plant. Too much sunshine is totally a thing apparently. Sara told me to check the new growth on my plants to gauge its present wellness. I hate to brag, but the top leaves are bright in color, subtle in texture, and new leaves pop up regularly.
Sara didn't say this to me, but I've made it a point to turn my tree ever so often. The leaves seem to cheat to the windows, so I think turning it gives it a more even growth. Kinda like turning over regularly when sun bathing or flipping a burger patty for optimal cooking. Yep.
I'm so proud of my future tree. Aren't plants amazing–how they live on like they do?
Trimming Your Fiddle Leaf Fig
Since Sara told me last spring that we'd be giving my tree a trim this fall, I have had a little trouble sleeping from the excitement. Thank goodness we did the deed recently, and with nothing so grand to look forward to anymore, my rest has returned. There is a video for you to watch below and also some written steps. We try to provide all the ways a person best learns when it comes to plant lessons because, well, we care too much about things like this.
What you need: scissors and courage to slice this little tree you've been overprotecting. Like jumping off a cliff, your body will scream at you that this is a terrible idea, but you can do this. You must.
Take normal ol'scissors and cut just enough to have two sets of leaves plus one leaf you will snip off (watch the video!). This is enough to start a new tree from the part you cut off. Your old tree will send all the energy it used to send to its head to its trunk instead and to branching out. It will make several new branches at the trim point.
When you trim the top off, sap will bubble up, but don't do anything to it. It'll heal up soon. Wait to water your tree for a week or so.
I'm sending my tree top off with Sara to her green house because it will love the humidity. Sara says she will plant it in a small pot. I'll try to report on that more later.
I'm pressing the leaf and plan to frame it once it is dry. What a nice memory–a leaf from a tree I got when I was pregnant, and a leaf I was brave enough to cut off in hopes of more growth.
Do you own a fiddle leaf fig? Have you always wanted to? What questions do you have for me to ask my plant lady friend?
*Full disclosure. Other Ash's fiddle leaf fig tree died years ago. We don't know why.
**Also, my mom had a fiddle leaf fig tree like 20 years ago, so she was WAY ahead of the trend. #booya
Video of the entire process below! Be warned, it's a little bit goofy, but oh-so-helpful!
It's hard to see, but the bottom leaf on this cutting was trimmed off. Roots will form from that cut spot.
The cutting is wrapped up in a wet paper towel and ready to be transported to the green house to be potted!