A-List Weekend Reading
/Daly has been busy propagating plants and making how-to videos about her antics. This is purple heart!
Daly's also been arranging and rearranging her new kitchen shelves. She's this close to being finished with her kitchen- but, let's be honest, when are you reaaallly done with a renovation?
Palmer snagged this vintage basket and plopped her snake plant in it. Yes!
It's been a weird holiday week, but that hasn't stopped us from trolling our favorite design content. Happy reading!
Reaaally into this bedroom makeover. Also, look at the rest of their blog. SO GOOD.
Outside time! Look at this laid back deck and these black and white outdoor spaces. Plus, this colorful outdoor seating is lovely.
Should Daly do this in her bedroom? It's so simple and takes up literally zero space.
We keep bringing up a certain round velvet pillow our friend Emily Netz has in her home (Yes, this is what we talk about.), and Daly was JUST thinking to herself that she may try to make one. Behold a tutorial that popped up in her Pinterest feed! Gah!
And lastly, green walls are the best.
Until next time!