Table Top Blooms: Onion Bloom Bouquets


On my 29th birthday, my first birthday after we bought Retro Den, Daly left a bouquet of flowers waiting for me when I arrived for work. Back in those days, we both ran the shop every day together as we had no children and were extremely co-dependent.

Anyway, this birthday bouquet contained a giant beautiful starburst of a flower that I absolutely loved. Daly told me it was an onion bloom from her garden. WHAT? It made me love it even more. I don't believe Daly specifically remembers giving me that onion bloom bouquet, but she says it sounds like something she would give me and sounds like something I would love.

I recently spotted onion blooms at the Cherry Street Farmer's Market and got excited all over again. Not only are they beautiful to gaze upon, but they last for quite a long time (up to two weeks in my experience!). Also, notice the purple-ish bloom? It's a GARLIC BLOOM! 

All of this makes me want to plant an onion garden. You could harvest onions for your salads and beautiful flowers for your table top. What other vegetable gardens can do that? No, really, what other vegetables can do that? Let me know below!

//P.S. It's Palmer's birthday this Friday. Incase anyone wants to bring her onions as a gift.//

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